Who can you turn to when it comes to learning new technology?
Or when unexpected issues pop-up with your devices?

The Tech Wizard support packages ensure that you stay up to speed on the latest technology, as well as have someone to turn to when your computer, phone or tablet isn’t cooperating. It’s like having your own personal help desk right at your fingertips!

We know that not everyone thrives in a group class setting and some people have very specific needs when it comes to technology. This is why The Tech Wizard provides customized one-on-one tech training and support that fits your needs. The goal with every one-on-one client is not for you to be dependent upon me doing things, but to empower you and give you confidence in using technology.


Smartphone or computer set-up to help you get up and running quickly. As well as troubleshoot issues that come up with existing devices.

Troubleshooting Wi-Fi network connection issues for a stable, fast internet experience, configure and secure a router and/or network, and connect devices in your home or office to the wireless network.

Keep your photos and documents safe through data backup, including hard-drives and cloud storage.

Online security checklist to keep yourself safe from hackers and viruses.

Smarthome device set-up to create a seamless experience.


We also provide an IT outsource solution for your business. As a small business owner or employee, you wear a lot of hats from finance and marketing, to customer service and technology/IT. While it might save money up front, when it comes to tech/IT without the right expertise and training it can lead to compromised security and an overall breakdown in efficiency.

Outsource to an IT professional and let us do what we do best, so you can do what you do best. It will be more efficient, more secure, and less stressful in the long run.


G Suite and Outlook email set-up and support

Security and password management

Time and billing management

Network set-up and support

Mobile integration


We offer comprehensive support packages for all levels of technical expertise. Each package is based on minutes and packages never expire. The packages are completely flexible and can be used for any combination of the following:

  • One-on-one remote or private lessons
  • IT services to help troubleshoot issues that pop-up unexpectedly
  • IT services to set-up new hardware/software
  • Monthly tech support calls

This allows you to get the most out of your tech support package. The platinum package provides you an added level of support through email and text. To get started working with The Tech Wizard choose one of the packages below, or schedule your free 30-minutes session to see which package would be best for you. 

This package includes 600 minutes which can be used for for following types of IT support:
Telephone support (up to 30 minutes)
Remote help/troubleshooting (up to 90 minutes per session)
Remote lesson (30-90 minutes)
The Tech Wizard in-office private lesson (30-90 minutes)
Drop-in tech support offered by The Tech Wizard
User Group Lessons — Monthly offerings by The Tech Wizard by topic or device
This package includes 660 minutes which can be used for for following types of IT support:
Telephone support (up to 30 minutes)
Remote help/troubleshooting (up to 90 minutes per session)
Remote lesson (30-90 minutes)
The Tech Wizard in-office private lesson (30-90 minutes)
Your home or office private lesson (60 – 90 minutes ONLY, Los Angeles area)
Drop-in tech support offered by The Tech Wizard
User Group Lessons — Monthly offerings by The Tech Wizard by topic or device
PLUS, Email support with 24 hour response time during working hours.
PLUS, Text support with 2.5 hour response time during working hours
This is an all private learning package that includes all of the following:
Review of devices and setup
Review of what you need and want to do
12 — 1 to 1.5-hour private lessons on any device (in your home or office, remote learning or my office)
Modifications of setup & systems
Recommendations for new systems/software/devices
Learning for specific device, apps, or work-flows
Support for problems/malfunctions
2x/month 30 - 60-minute conference call for questions on any topic
Access to monthly worksheets on new software changes when applicable
12-30 minute private phones calls scheduled at least 24 hours in advance
Email access with 24 hr. response time
Text access (with reasonable limitations and expectations)

* For each client request we will provide you the number of points that will be deducted from your account.

Not sure what package is right for you?
Book your free 30-minute session with The Tech Wizard.

  • I am delighted that my entire attitude about my computer is changing. I’m beginning to understand its usefulness and I see it as the stress-reducing tool that it is meant to be. I love the adventure of learning, even if I still cry in frustration. I am empowered by my lessons with you, Judi!
    Elizabeth Bryan
  • Humor and Smarts! That’s what I find most enticing…and The Tech Wizards has got them both!!!
    Barbara Freeman, Retired
  • I have significantly improved productivity after working with The Tech Wizards. They have shown me not only how things work, but how they can work for me. My calendar, contacts and emails are now all working for me in a way that has made my very busy life move run much more smoothly. I no longer feel paralyzed and panicked.
    Laura Owens, Rabbi
  • Lorry Leigh Belhumeur, CEO Non-Profit
    Before working with The Tech Wizard, I had 3 separate calendars and 4 electronic devices, none of which were coordinated. I was not utilizing all the capability of technology available to me, but I assumed it would take too much time to learn everything. Was I ever wrong! In a matter of MINUTES, they taught me how to consolidate my calendars and use software to allow all of my devices to interact.
    Lorry Leigh Belhumeur, CEO Non-Profit
  • Dr. MT
    I have been working with the Tech Wizard to get my home set up as a smart home. I am so impressed by how versatile she is!! Between setting up Alexa, recommending and installing lightbulbs...even installing smart switches for my fixtures!! There were a couple of snafus because I didn’t accurately identify things I wanted done, but she very fluidly figured out easy workarounds and simple solutions. In addition to the setup, she organized everything for me for easy reference and then taught me how to use all the cool functions. It is so fun - my house welcomes me home now every day after work!! Thank you Tech Wizard!!
    Dr. MT
  • Jutta
    Thank you for your support and patience with me. Your caring and patient style of teaching keeps me coming back for more. Today’s class was fabulous...
  • Barbara
    As always, you inspire confidence where maybe none exists!
  • Candis Whittemore
    Judi with her years of experience is better than most Apple employees in answering my questions and solving my problems with my devices. As an older adult, I thought I would never be able to use the iPhone, iPad or Macbook. Now I can use them all. My self-esteem and joy of life have increased substantially.
    Candis Whittemore
  • Margo A
    The Tech Wizard, Judi, set up our new Mac specifically, for our needs, including the “1Password” Manager. We can also have remote Zoom tech lessons, where she can access my Mac. I don’t know where I could have had this done anywhere else. In addition, she keeps us aware of the ever-changing tech world with Zoom Cyber Security Sessions. She never ceases to amaze me!
    Margo A