Is your phone, tablet or computer a constant source of stress and frustration?

Do you feel like it is impossible to keep up with changing technology?

Are you afraid of falling prey to online scams?

Technology helps you stay in touch with family and friends, manage your finances, and overall make life a little easier if you are using it right. But with iPhones, iPads, email, streaming video, and social networking, the online world continues to expand, which can become overwhelming quickly. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be.

The Tech Wizard offers online group classes to help make technology more user-friendly. Our monthly drop-in sessions and user groups make the seemingly complicated, easy to understand, and implement into your everyday life.

Group Classes

Group classes are held virtually via Zoom Video Conferencing.


Is your iCloud storage filled? Are you not backing up your devices? Photos not syncing? Question about updating your iPad? Stop by the first Monday of every month and get your questions answered with hands-on support.
FREE for members or $40 per session for non-members.


Get your questions answered and learn how to get the most out of your Mac, iPhone/iPad and Apple Watch. User groups are on the third Friday of each month and we focus on a different device each session. See the calendar below for the schedule.
FREE for members or $20 per virtual session for non-members.

Registration is required for all classes. Click below to register.


Click on the button below to see all available classes or click on the specific class within the calendar to get registered.

Learn about The Tech Wizard Membership

  • I am delighted that my entire attitude about my computer is changing. I’m beginning to understand its usefulness and I see it as the stress-reducing tool that it is meant to be. I love the adventure of learning, even if I still cry in frustration. I am empowered by my lessons with you, Judi!
    Elizabeth Bryan